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The UK's leading static caravan

and park home double glazing


Westcoast caravan double glazing logo

Call  01934 788886

Why Choose us..


We have a moulded internal door capping for a great internal finish.. we are the only company with a moulded internal capping on the doors for a great finish other companies stick on white flat plastic trims that are generally used for domestic windows very poor quality finish .

We use 28mm double glazed units in our windows, we are the only company with a specially designed caravan window system that has 28mm double glazed units --- other companies use the thinner 24mm or 20 mm units in their windows , other companies that are using 28mm units are using slimline household windows not caravan windows caravan windows are fixed in place with an aluminium fixing bar along the top bottom and sides, caravan windows are not fixed in by clamping and screw fixing them in place

Our windows and doors are internally glazed that means the glass cannot be removed from the outside of the caravan. Other companies use externally glazed windows meaning the glass could be removed from the frames from the outside, not very secure.

our windows are fitted with multipoint high security locking on all the windows and doors that can be locked in the night vent position (slightly open ) – other companies use cockspur handles as they are cheaper , these handle don’t give even compression on the weather seal gasket stopping the draught and also the handle are just screwed into 1mm plastic so are not very secure , companies quoting they are using multipoint locking are using slimline household windows , we are the only company that has multipoint locking in a specially designed slimline lightweight caravan system.

we don’t use mastic on our installation we use a foam gasket to seal between the caravan and the window-door frames, no more dirty mastic





Why choose us a quick recap !!

Internal door capping.

28mm double glazed sealed units.

100s of Great reviews from real customers.

Specially designed caravan windows.

Foam gaskets not mastic.

Windows are internally glazed.

High security multi point locking.

Top quality windows and doors with a long guarantee.

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